During the week prior to Biodiversity week, all classes enjoyed a wonderful workshop on Pollinators from Mairéad - a botanist. We learned all about the different species of bees and how we can continue to create pollinator friendly areas in our school. We went on a bug hunt and found lots of little insects and even a few frogs, a field mouse (!) and plenty of bees.
On the theme of Living Things, Senior Infants were fascinated looking at their own fingerprints and then comparing them to their friends. They enjoyed deciding if their print has arches, loops or whorls. They learned about the use of fingerprints in the wider world.
On the theme of Energy & Forces, First & Second class enjoyed learning about the colours of the Rainbow and about how white light absorbs all the other colours. They made their own rainbow spinners and used an electric circuit and motor to demonstrate this happening. Well done boys and girls! They then invited Junior and Senior Infants in to teach them about what they had learnt.
5th & 6th learned about tornadoes and even created their own mini "Tornado in a Bottle!".
Junior & Senior Infants enjoying trying out the 1st/2nd class experiment with Rainbow Spinner
In investigating Materials, 3rd & 4th used their skills of critical thinking and curiosity in predicting and experimenting with coins and vinegar. They discovered that a chemical reaction called oxidation can occur between them. The coin is made of copper and the vinegar on the paper towel helps the copper in the coin easily react with the oxygen in the air to form a green coloured compound called malachite. They discovered that some coins work better than others because they are not all made of copper or may have a different coating on them.
1st and 2nd used their creativity in making lovely bird feeders for all the beautiful birds that come to our school garden. They are very Environmentally Aware and understand that we have a responsibility to look after the Biodiversity around us. They know the importance of looking after every Living Thing.
3rd & 4th had a workshop from a Science Speaker - Rossa from the Rediscovery Centre. They learned about the importance of saving our seeds and of growing our own food, if possible. They now understand the importance of sustainable living. They planted seeds in reusable yogurt pots.
The children learned about sustainability and the importance of reusing materials. They made sustainable Christmas Decorations. Don't they look amazing?!
1st and 2nd had great fun experimenting with various liquids to make "Lava Lamps". 5th & 6th Enjoyed experimenting with various Materials to make Slime. There was great curiosity and critical thinking in evidence as each group tried to make the best slime.
3rd & 4th also experimented with Materials and in particular, with the chemical reaction produced when milk and vinegar are mixed. They created some really life-like bone structures using a mould. There were lots of predictions, measuring and collaboration in evidence.
The children also learned a lot of new scientific language throughout the year.
On the theme of Materials, 5th & 6th also had a visit from the Rediscovery Centre and they learned all about plastics and their different uses and also how harmful they can be to the environment. They learned about Biodegradable plastics made from corn sugars and starches. They tried their hand at "reusing" some materials in order to cut down on our impact on the environment.
5th & 6th were lucky enough to visit the Library and learn about Habitats from a wildlife expert. They had a fantastic workshop learning about our native birds and their various habitats and then they also did some wonderful, collaborative art. The importance of preserving our natural habitats was really emphasised at the workshop which helped raise our Environmental Awareness even further.
5th & 6th have really become Environmentally Aware. They have taken on a great project whereby they are recycling coffee pods and creating a sustainable playground picture of our painted pencils. This will be placed in the shelter when it is finished. They are collecting all the used coffee grains and these will be used to help give our vegetable beds some added texture and fertilisation. Isn't that so creative!!