During the week of 6th March 2023, all classes celebrated Engineers' Week with lots of activities every day.
Junior & Senior infants faced the challenges of building the tallest, most stable structures and also of building bridges.
1st & 2nd Class had a visit from a real live industry Engineer! They had to design a parachute container that would keep an egg safe when dropped! They learned all about prosthetics and tried to recreate the tendons in our hands using string and straws.
Great problem-solving and collaboration was in evidence as 3rd & 4th made lots of different models which contained pulleys and wheels and motors. Check out their wonderful Communication Skills below.
3rd & 4th Class watched a webinar on the role of the Engineer.
3rd & 4th Class also made 3D structures from marshmallows and pasta.
5th & 6th worked hard on reading instructions and working collaboratively to put together some tricky engineering kits.
Our "Conversation Coaxer" table highlighted various engineering structures, including a very impressive "Titanic" replica from 1st and 2nd class.
Brilliant critical thinking, creativity and collaboration going on with 1st and 2nd as they design their Titanic repicas.