Maths in action in the Infant classroom
Maths in action: Graphing market research results
The pupils of Fifth and Sixth Class recently completed the Junior Entrepreneur Programme 2019. As part of the development of their mini-company, 'Keylets', they conducted some market research to find out what their customers wanted. They used Google Sheets to graph this information. Check out some examples of their work below!
Maths in action: Active Schools survey
Infants explore patterns with 3rd class
Smarties Maths: Exploring data in 5th & 6th!
The boys and girls had great fun today revising their learning in data using Smarties! First, they created a frequency table by doing a tally of each different colour in their mini Smarties box. Next, they each drew a bar chart of their individual findings. A number of pupils also expressed these data using pie charts. Finally, the pupils devoured their sweets as a reward for their hard work!
Maths Week 2018
Maths trails played a big role in our annual Maths Week celebrations! Each class in the school took part in a trail that led got pupils thinking about Maths in their environment both indoors and outdoors. Our helpful 5th & 6th Class pupils assisted their buddies from the Infant classroom as they explored the school grounds looking for shapes, numbers and more!
Exploring chance in 5th & 6th
As part of the Data strand of Maths, pupils have been learning about chance. We used counters and dice to learn through real examples and then created frequency tables.