Junior & Senior Infants took advantage of the sunny weather to go on a Sensory nature walk in the school garden. They collected lots of flora in some paper cones (they had been learning about 3D shapes). They then integrated some more maths into their lessons by making pictures into various 2D shapes (rectangles, triangles, circles) with the different items that they had gathered. Some children noticed that if they lined up their items on a base line that they were of different heights.
1st and 2nd explored the concept of Capacity in the sunny spring weather.
During the week of 17th October 2022, the whole school celebrated everything to do with maths. There was a great buzz about the school as we all used our "Maths Eyes" to see maths in everything around us. Our "Conversation Coaxer" table depicted all the various strands of maths.
Junior & Senior Infants collaborated and used their critical thinking when sorting and classifying these colours and shapes.
Junior/Senior Infants and 3rd/4th class worked collaboratively on a maths trail around the school. They then had to come back and report their findings - super communication skills!
There's lots of material in the school garden from which to create wonderful 2D shapes and 1st & 2nd really enjoyed themselves during Maths Week.
1st and 2nd class also enjoyed collecting data and making block graphs. They interviewed each other to find out their favourite sweets, countries, sports and seasons.
3rd & 4th class had great fun problem solving and working at games stations.
3rd & 4th explored various currencies and worked out how much something might cost in a different country.
5th and 6th class enjoyed practising their multiplication and division tables by playing some dice games.