Green Fingers
We worked on our school garden and learned about the lifecycle of a sunflower. We then grew our own sunflowers!
STEAM Activities
In our groups, we had a competition to see who could create the tallest structure using only dried spaghetti and marshmallows!
St Patrick's Day
Lots of fun preparing for our St Patrick's Day celebrations this week! We had a themed bake-off, created St Patrick's hats and also tried to catch Leprechauns!!
Christmas Art
Who knew working with tin foil could be so much fun!
For the last week of term all we could talk about was Halloween or Oíche Shamhna as Gaeilge! We created a Halloween door for our classroom, 'Spooky Skeletons' made from cotton buds, wrote a story about Halloween night using lots of scary adjectives and even had a Halloween themed 'Bake-Off' which was delicious!
Firefighter Visit
Our local firefighter Christian visited us for a very timely lesson on Halloween Week. We learned about fire safety on the lead up to Halloween and to 'STOP, DROP and ROLL'. Thank you to all the firefighters working hard to keep us safe everyday and especially at Halloween!
Math Week 2021
Math week 2021 was a great success in 3rd and 4th class. We enjoyed using our 'Maths Eyes' during our math trail around the school and figured out that we use math skills in every type of environment - at home, in schools and even in the shops. We received a certificate for participating in this fun math week!
From Henrietta Street to Lisadell Bringing History Alive with Judi Curtin & Sarah Webb
On the 12th of October, our class were very lucky to be joined by authors, Judi Curtin and Sarah Webb on zoom. Both authors read a short extract from their books and we learned lots about the history of Henrietta Street and Lisadell. They also talked about what life was like in Ireland many years ago for children. We also got the chance to ask our own questions to Sarah and Judi and they provided great motivation to keep us writing!
National Tree Day
National Tree Day took place on the 7th of October. To celebrate, 3rd and 4th class learned about trees we have in the school. We used a leaf key to identify trees and even took rubbings of the bark!
Space Week
The 4th of October kicked off space week in our class. We enjoyed designing solar systems using oil pastels.
Our First Holy Communion
On 25th September we made our First Holy Communion. It was a wonderful ceremony and worth waiting on! We were delighted when Mrs Cleary presented us with lovely certificates. Check out our lovely photos under the Ethos section here.
Our class enjoyed four weeks of cricket with Naomi from Cricket Leinster. We enjoyed learning how to bowl, to bat and how to be a wicket keeper. We were delighted to be presented with new cricket equipment so that we can keep up the cricket!
Self Portraits
In September 3rd and 4th class all took a good look in the mirror and created self-portraits. Here are our final pieces!
Some 3rd and 4th class pupils enjoying a little light reading!